My friends persuaded me to see this movie while I was the busy struggling with my lessons, extra lessons and marking.
Today, a few months later, I finally have the chance to see this inspiring comedy movie. It is about the college life of three students Rancho, Farhan and Raju in the prestigious college the Imperial College of Engineering (ICE).
Farhan is an ordinary student talented in photography but is destined to study engineering to fulfill his father’s dream. Raju is from a poor family with a diseased father, a mother who sacrificed her whole life for the family and a sister who never marries because of their poverty. Rancho is from a rich family. He has passion for engineering and loves learning. What’s more, he is gifted with creativity and always thinks out of the box.
The movie is about how Rancho challenges the current educational system which puts much emphasis on rote learning and neither fosters students’ creativity nor encourages students to make use of their knowledge to solve problems.
For sure, Rancho is lovable. He is brilliant, kind-hearted and brave. He always knows what is the most important when things happen. He always sees the root of a problem and finds easy ways to solve it. When a servant said he did not learn because he did not have money. He replied that what he needed was only a uniform. When everyone was waiting for a space in the public bathroom, he said what he needed was only water.
He is also kind-hearted. When he saw a classmate being frustrated, he secretly helped him finish his work, wanting to give him a surprise and encouragement.
It reminds me of the book Money oder das 1001 des Geld (小狗錢錢) introducing the power of ‘a success diary’ which helps us overcome our fear and empowers us with self confidence.
Generally, I like this movie, which is fun and inspiring in a way. As a teacher, I like the message about the meaning of studying in a school. He is right. Students come to school to learn and not only to rote-learn or to get high marks. The reminder ‘to follow our hearts and be excellent in what we like, rather than follow success, as success will come by itself if excellence is achieved’ is also amazing. I agree with it. I am sure that by doing what we like and work wholeheartedly, we would excel in it and success would follow.
I am lucky as I have the chance to do what I like. Though I have not excelled yet, I know I will. I despise those who do not try their best to do a good job and I respect those who do.
As a teacher, I have this reflection for myself.
Help students explore their talents and interests;
Help them overcome fear and take up the courage to pursue their dreams;
Remind them about the love of their parents who may not understand their dreams;
Help parents build up trust in their children;
At the same time, remind students to be humble as ‘they may not always be right’
Teach them to respect rules as they are there for a reason.