2013年5月21日 星期二

Stop using politics to lead

I come here to teach. 

Please don’t bother me with other issues.
I know I still have a lot to work on to be able to help my kids more.
Let me focus on my job.
Don’t bother me with other stuff.

Leaders, do your work. Rather than using politics, use your heart to really develop the school, the colleagues and most importantly, the kids.

Education is a career to develop. 
We want our kids to be responsible;
We want our kids to have the wisdom to differentiate the wrongs from the rights;
We want our kids to have courage to pursue their dreams
and get what they want by working hard and smart, but not by creating a negative work atmosphere where people backstab each other.

Despite being a small potato, I opt to use my own ways to protect what I can.

‘…speaking the truth in love…’ 
 (Ephesians 4:15)


一大早到大學站集合, 再行十分鐘到新碼頭, 乘渡輪到荔枝窩。船到了!
 他們說這是鬼爪, 這個角度看, 又真的有點像

到了! 久違的荔枝窩 


雅致的小休點 - 美味的豆腐花, 我來了! 

雖然雅致, 但卻為大樹心痛盞盞的紅燈, 是不是很重呢?

空心樹 十年前來的時候, 人們會攀爬空心樹, 再把頭伸出來, 現在這樹「只可遠觀, 不可褻玩」

 喜歡踏在木道的感覺, 有點像在神話中……

 對住在市區的獄長, 這裡後巷也很有觀賞價值。獄長不禁想起, 那年到西班牙, 在猶太人區, 為花街拍照。對住在那裡的人來說, 不值一看。遊客找的, 就是不同吧!


 清澈的流水, 養活了小魚一家。

多年前來的時候, 遊人可走完全程木道。獄長親眼目睹遊人一家大小, 不理導遊勸告, 在魚藤上打鞦韆, 最後獄長忍不住把他們教化了一頓。今天, 為了保護魚藤, 讓下一代的人仍然可欣賞, 木道被封了。很可惜!(對於自律的獄長來說……很不公平!暗罵那些欠公德的人……)
下一站 – 吉澳午餐

其他餸可以不影, 這個「手打魚丸」來這裡必吃 :p

而姐姐跟獄長, 在閒逛時, 發現了有趣的「老頑童」……



除卻那幅畫外, 獄長最喜歡的是吊在天花的功夫人。不斷在搖動, 好像真的快要開戰一樣。


乘了四個小時船, 為的就是要坐「玻璃船」看「珊瑚」。
玻璃船? 很浪漫的名字吧? 可惜, 現實卻……


老實說, 是看到一點點珊瑚影。只是, 獄長懷疑這是膠, 不是玻璃, 反射程度其大。

在船上等了兩小時, 就為這十分鐘……不值。

話雖如此, 還是感恩, 能有一天假期, 與家人到這些久違了的地方。不用安排行程, 由人家安排打點, 也是幸福的


火車>>大學站>>行十分鐘>>新碼頭 (記著check 船期)

這行程適合一家大小, 不過, 玻璃船則是「可以不試」的級別
-          荔枝窩的兩大景點: 空心樹及魚藤
-          豆腐花 亦很讚
-          吉澳 – 推它的有機午餐

2013年5月12日 星期日

Happy Mother's Day

Not being a Christian but is still moved by this song.
For many, the word 'love' is about couples.
However, how many couples can walk till the end? 
As said in the Bible, 'Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance ... love will last forever.' (Corinthians 13:4–8a)

Love needs to be learnt and thanks to my mother, I have learnt how to be loved and then how to love.

Happy Mother's Day