2014年12月20日 星期六



他說, 因為政府令社會出現很差的情況, 所以, 做出不合法的行為, 包括破壞公物如行政大樓, 也是合理。

我有點訝然。是, 我沒想到他會這樣說。

在「現在的香港」, 我不能接受, 「因為…… 所以……」,把違法行為合理化的論調。認識我的人知道, 對於不合理的事, 我會發聲。但不會因不合理, 而放縱自己, 給自己做不該做的事。人的行為須有規範。古代社會, 規範在於禮, 文明社會, 規範至少在於法。

若我身於亂世, 我可能比任何人更不守規。因為, 在那些地方,適者生存、弱肉强食, 就是生存之道。不過, 這不是的香港。這刻的香港,仍有很多值得守護、欣賞、保留的東西。就因為這點, 我氣憤那些因沒有普選, 就玉石俱焚的論調。


2014年12月12日 星期五







在逆境時,他提醒自己珍惜及感恩身邊擁有的重要東西 - 身邊的朋友、家人。











2014年10月17日 星期五



不知怎的, 看著看著, 竟流下眼淚自己也不明所以


佳期: 我們每一天都遇到很不同的病症, 有很多病根本是無藥可治。我經常都問自己, 那些救不了的病人, 是否真的救不了? 我們是否只可以坐著等這些病人死? 我盡力了嗎? 所以, 我要到最偏僻的地方, 採最沒有人見過的藥材, 研製新的藥方…… 真的會想到很多治病的方法。

二嫂: 但人又怎會嬴得了天呢? 老天要帶一個人走, 我們阻擋不了的。

佳期: 如果老天要一個人生就生、死就死, 那又何必看大夫呢? 醫好一個人, 本來就是逆天而行, 或許一個醫者的天職, 就是要和老天鬥, 然後看看有沒有奇蹟出現……我和老天還要鬥一段很長的日子。

真的是這樣嗎? 大夫真的是要跟天鬥嗎? 或者說, 老天, 需要跟大夫鬥嗎? 若真的有老天爺, 他要你輸, , 嬴得了嗎? 說到尾, 若真的有老天爺, 奇蹟還不是天意?

假使真的有老天爺, 獄長相信, 他是有他的意思只是, 他從來也沒有一個必然的答案

病人及大夫, 都是他故事的一部份故事的發展, 他不錯是有最終決定權, 然而, 結局並不一開始就有定論。病人及大夫其實各自有自己的角色, 就如「抉擇叢書」的角色, 結局隨著發展而改變。

獄長不相信「人定勝天」, 但仍深信, 命運, 能掌握在自己的手中。

2014年10月2日 星期四


在這紛亂的時代, 我想測試, 究竟是否真的可以和而不同?
進入久別了的面書世界, 進行實驗.
幾天來的觀察, 由於只是網上功夫, 總算和平.

不過, 就帶來另一番體會.
不贊成佔中. 是否就低人一等? 就是沒有看書?
有朋友知道我的立場, 都叫我看書.
我無言. 我有看. 不過看的書未必跟你一樣.

Rule of Law, Rule by Law 的分別, 我很清楚.
只是, 我不敢肯定, 現在的訴求, 比法律更重要. 沒有其他方法達到.
也不敢肯定, 普選真的會帶來更有效的政府.
亦不能判斷, 一些較著重正常生活的人, 就是自私.

剛看完李小龍展. 這傳奇人物在紛亂時代, 無分你我.  學盡各派中西功夫.
[沒有敵人(沒有高低), 只有不同. ]

2014年9月27日 星期六









2014年9月19日 星期五

I like facts

I like facts.
I like people really looking at facts and studying what it means.

Yes, after the referendum, Scotland remains a part of England.
However, officials do not ignore the meaning behind.
Some spotted that around 40% of people were unhappy under the rule of England and work needed to be done somewhere.

Mind can be simpler and people will be happier if facts are looked at the right way.

2014年8月8日 星期五

The Fault in Our Stars

I can find no words to describe how I feel and what I think of the movie.

I was touched by how fully Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters live their lives in their final days.
I was reminded how to live without regrets.

Here are some of my favourite quotes.

“……All salvation is temporary," Augustus shot back. "I bought them a minute. Maybe that`s the minute that buys them an hour, which is the hour that buys them a year. No one`s gonna buy them forever, Hazel Grace, but my life bought them a minute.”
Despite not being forever, can we say it’s worthless and we’d better not start anything?

“……I want more numbers than I'm likely to get, and God, I want more numbers for Augustus Waters than he got. But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful.”

“I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.”

Dear all, we may leave anyway but it does not stop us from doing things despite the reality that it will be forgotten some day, just as we will still choose to love though we know one of us will leave first, with the other half living with pain.  Still, we choose to love, right?  

2014年8月6日 星期三

After trip

Compared to the previous trips, this one was slow and relaxing.  Still, some parts were still too much for mum.

Bear in mind......
-         a tea break or a sleep break in a day
-         one, or at most two spots for them
-         walking is demanding.  Let them sit and wait before you have confrimed the way.

I love traveling alone but I also want to spend time with parents.
So, what's the plan for the coming year?

獄長遊星洲 Day 6

Travelling with the elderly, bear in mind that they’d rather walk, see and feel rather than trying all signature dishes.

Mum preferred having more time to have breakfast, so we cancelled the 肉骨茶breakfast.  We walked around the Garden by the Bay. 

Mum hasted all the time.  Maybe she was worried that we would be late.

Then we had breakfast at Wendy’s.  She ate 咖椰 toast, an egg and coffee.

Time to set off to the airport!!!!!!!!!!!

獄長遊星洲 Day 5

20140803 Day 5
Spot 1: breakfast at hotel

Spot 2 : zoo
Hard to say if it is worthwhile to go.
See and judge for yourself.

Spot 3: 海南雞飯(海南起骨雞飯)
地: #B1-35 Golden Mile Food Centre 505 Beach Road

小貼示: 到熟食中心, 首先做的是「找個好位」。記著枱上的號碼, 才買食物。告訴店主枱號, 就會送上食物。食物到才收錢呢!

Spot 4: 熟食中心旁的回教堂. 進去一看.

Spot 5:.souvenirs at Chinatown
~ 林志源
~ 廣安堂藥油 (16 Trengganu Street) - 蘇乂峰: 是很多地方可以買到。馮滿記也没有。 $6/大

~ 馮滿記藥油 (16 Sago Street) ~ 價錢實惠,$12/狮子油 (可以比别家平$3/支)
~ 牛車水(Chinatown) - 手車水食街

Spot 6 : No Signboard Seafood Restaurant (無招牌海鮮酒家)
-         胡椒蟹 ($120)

-         炒鹿片 ($15)

-         炒菜 ($12) – 食水很深的一碟
-         乾燒伊麵 ($15)

9 August is the National Day.  One week ahead, there is a firework show!
We were lucky!

星加坡之旅 Day 4

Today, we will go back to Singapore.

Morning: breakfast - the food was similar but was fresher :)

Swimming at the beach: Some fish there!!!
I touched the floating balls and quickly swam back. :P I was not that good at swimming.

Spot 2: Hotel to check in

Spot 3 : Night Safariz
For me, it was interesting. For mum, it was not so. She was tired and she could n kit see clearly at night.


Are they building a reservoir?

Travel tips:
Walk along the trails before taking a tram because it is mmore interesting to explore around. Also, most people wait for the tram when they enter the zoo, wasting time on waiting.  You can take a tram whenevea you like.

新加坡之旅 Day 3

1st station: Breakfast
Reminder: Have breakfast earlier so that you can enjoy fresher food.

2nd station: River spa  ($80)
~travel : 1 hour
~ spa: 75 minutes  - A special experience to have spa on a sampan

~ river trip along the mangrove :)

~ lunch: chicken and fruit juice
We wanted to try fresh coconut juice.  The staff told us that the tree was wet and the staff couldn't climb the tree. Wow...... have to ask again next time...really want to see the climbing  :

We had our lunch here!

~On the way, the driver asked if we would go to OleOle or the hotel. We then went to tbe OleOle Market.

5th station:Ole Ole Market: Comment - nothing special to see

6th station: taxi to hotel ($22)

7th station : Buggy trip ($19/ hour)
For me, it was a chance to practise my driving. :P

8th station:
Dinner at a Japanese restaurant at the resort ($50)

Walk along the grass path

1.The river spa was a special experience. It is not as luxurious as the one at Pennisula but it was still very relaxing. The oil was always hit and the touch was a always firm and relaxing.  However, mum and I were not used to tbe 'wet' towels and blanket. 
Saying so, I might have chosen the Mangrove spa if I had known about it earlier - a relaxing 3-hour spa! A four-course dinner and a night firefly trip will also be included!  It is nice to show mum tbe fireflies!!
2.The small market Ole Ole is not worthwhile to go. If I could choose again, I would go to the bigger market.
3. If I could have chosen again, I would have stayed in a resort that was closer to the pier. e.g.Kota Sebung.  There is also a bigger market.